What Do You Do When You’re Faced with an IT Disaster?
Sometimes technology fails us. Maybe it’s caused by a human error in handling the technology or maybe it’s a malfunction of the technology itself. Regardless of the cause, an IT disaster shouldn’t be taken lightly. Today in the FX Technology blog, we cover several case examples of IT disasters, like power outages, data loss, and internet failure.
Details of an IT Disaster – Power Outage
In our first case example, imagine that you run a retail call center and there’s a power outage. Your company doesn’t have Managed IT Services from FX Technology, and your employees are unable to work. Once the power does return, additional time is needed to safely turn everything back on and to check if all your files are still there.
A power outage can cause lots of secondary problems due to IT system failure, including a loss of revenue from potential sales, a decrease in customer satisfaction, and damage to your company’s reputation. The managed services team at FX Technology will analyze your IT system to anticipate issues, monitor your network 24/7, and keep your business up and running after an IT disaster.
Details of an IT Disaster – Internet is Down
Our next example of an IT disaster is a disruption in your internet service. Let’s say that the internet goes down during a busy workday, and you can’t get your system up and running again. You are unable to access client data in cloud storage, so business grinds to a halt. FX Technology can get you up and running again with 24/7 network monitoring and quick response to bring your bandwidth back online.
Details of an IT Disaster – Data Loss
Any type of disaster is burdensome, but the most difficult and damaging issues often involve data loss. If you can’t access your customer data files because onsite backups failed — or there was no onsite backup at all — many operations at your business will be put on hold. FX Technology can prevent this loss of valuable customer data with always-on data backup services. We will secure your data with on-site and off-site storage systems, and restore lost data quickly so you can get back to business.
Details of an IT Disaster – Phones are Down
Modern call centers operate on the advanced Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), but when a power outage occurs or the internet goes down, so does your phone system. This is where we step in. FX Technology will monitor and repair network issues right away — whether hardware, firmware or software — and we will get your VoIP services back online quickly.
Datto Disaster Recovery from FX Technology
IT disasters are stressful, especially because they are unpredictable. FX Technology proudly offers Datto disaster recovery as an IT management solution for your sensitive and irreplaceable business data. Even if an IT disaster happens, we will restore your access to all business files and proprietary information. Contact us today and see if Datto disaster recovery is right for your business.