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Keep Yourself Safe Online

Online safety and privacy.

Online safety and privacy.FX Technology Offers Some Advice for Staying Safe Online

Digital security is a hotter topic than ever. From major financial businesses losing essential customer information to social media sites quietly selling your details to shady companies, you’ve probably heard at least one major story relating to cybersecurity. As a provider of managed IT solutions and backup services for businesses, FX Technology understands how essential online security is. But, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe online, too. Find out more in this blog from the FX Technology pros.

Make Sure Your Passwords Are Strong, Unique and Updated

Passwords are one of the oldest forms of online security, but they can still be very effective. Even with things like fingerprint protection becoming more common, traditional passwords are still practically everywhere. It might be convenient to use the same password for everything, but it’s an extremely bad idea.

You should make sure your passwords are unique — unique from each other and unique to you personally. The best way to do this is to use a password manager. Take a look into the different password managers out there, read reviews, make sure the one you choose is a recognized and trusted one, and consider paying a subscription for additional features.

Turn On (or Install) a Firewall

Windows and Mac devices both come with inbuilt firewall protection. Put simply, a firewall is a way for your computer to internally protect itself from malicious attacks or other attempts to invade your online privacy. Check your settings, depending on what kind of device you’re using, to make sure your firewall is on — and keep it that way.

Don’t Share Everything

Sharing life events or even just your daily routine on social media has become so common now that many of us don’t even think twice. Unfortunately, we really should. Practically everything we put online is publicly accessible. Even if you set social media profiles and other accounts to private, someone with the intent to get to that information will be able to. Be selective about what you share, even if you think it’s just with family and friends.

Be Aware of Sites You Visit

Similarly, you should be selective about the sites you visit. As technology gets more sophisticated, so do the attempts to gain access to private or sensitive information. Links, emails, even private messages are all ways in which people have been caught out by scams. Using content blockers, firewalls, tracking protection, and staying educated about threats will help you to protect yourself online.

Stay Informed

Staying educated and informed about technology and the internet is the best way to stay safe online. This goes for both business and personal use. While there is plenty of help out there when it comes to online security, the only way to truly protect yourself is to know the potential threats. Read up on privacy terms, check your account settings on various sites, and look for simple guides to internet privacy from reputable sources.

Get the Best in Business IT Solutions from FX Technology

If you’re looking for an IT management company that has the security of your business as a top priority, contact the team at FX Technology. We offer a wide range of IT services for business, from VoIP connectivity to secure backup for business and customer information. Take a look at our full range of IT services.

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